build a wall

美 [bɪld ə wɔːl]英 [bɪld ə wɔːl]
  • 砌墙
build a wallbuild a wall
  1. Build a wall between my garden and my neighbour 's


  2. Why did the Emperor Hadrian build a wall right across England ?


  3. They oughta build a wall now , though .


  4. Mexican President chided President Bush for trying to build a wall between the two countries .


  5. The company 's attempts to build a wall dubbed the Kremlin are legendary .


  6. A liar tends to be uncomfortable and will build a wall by placing an object between the two of you .


  7. My grandma said : " I never expected it should be so great ! But why can 't people build a wall or pave steps with it ? "


  8. The consequence of this psychological wound is to build a wall around oneself , to resist further pain and so become fearful or withdraw into isolation .


  9. The layers of rocks are not laid evenly , as a bricklayer would build a wall . Instead , the earth 's crust is made of rock layers that are often uneven and not perfectly balanced .


  10. The stone is not an ordinary Piece of insensatestone , it shouldn 't be used to build a wall or pave the steps , to carve words or flowers or to wash clothes on .


  11. The right to privacy represents a special kind of independence : When we are facing all the pressure from society , it helps us defend physical or spiritual autonomy and build a wall of dignity , which could not be defied , to block the whole world .


  12. Therefore , he decided to build a long wall .


  13. The goalkeeper organizing to build up a wall .


  14. He says as far as the risk of Bangkok flooding is concerned , they are working to build a defensive wall .


  15. Leakage in a dam foundation may sometimes be overcome by digging deep into it so as to build a cutoff wall into the foundation .


  16. Learn the advanced legal system of wildlife , combined with China 's reality of the development of effective laws and regulations , build a solid wall of law is urgent .


  17. Consultancy firms will tell you how to build " a wall of communication " to influence " your core consumer lifestyle " from the moment said consumer is two years old .


  18. Now we need to build a great wall on the Internet to protect the country from foreigners trying to promote insurgence and instability under the cloak of freedom .


  19. Love is the most favourate word in britain . britain 's three favourite words are love , serendipity and family , according to a charity effort to build a " wall of words " .


  20. The price range of $ 28 - $ 35 a share , which was much wider than for other recent internet IPOs but in line with Google 's first share sale , reflects the dilemma Facebook faces as it tries to build a broad Wall Street following for its stock , according to analysts .


  21. It was very difficult to build such a great wall without our modern machines .


  22. I can only wrapped layers of clothes , just as I build a high heart wall .


  23. The husband then begins to build a solid brick wall against the closet .


  24. Because even though the America was a diverse land of opportunity , the monster wanted to build a big giant wall .


  25. Chinese people do not want to see more floods and droughts , so they have to build a new Great Wall across the northern part of the country .


  26. EJ : Better to build a bridge than a wall .


  27. The hardest thing to build is a plain straight wall . The dimensions must be absolute .


  28. It will build a vertical seep-proof curtain wall around bury area to prevent the pollution to underground water .


  29. At present , to build a water stop curtain wall is one of the most effective method to control water hazard in Mining Area , which is especially suitable for Metal-Containing Mine groundwater coupling with deposit .
